Experience the quake to be prepared for real earthquake.

各学期ごとに開催される留学生と外国人研究者のための地震防災セミナーのあとに、港防災センターを見学するツアーを企画しています。 日本語がわからなくても大丈夫です。付き添いの指導者による英語の解説や、英語・中国語・ポルトガル語・わかりやすい日本語によるガイドブックが用意されています。
We provide a giuded-tour to the Minato Municipal Disaster Prevention Center once for each semester. Explanation is also provided in English for those who do not understand Japanese language. A brochure in Enghsh, Chinese, Portugese and simple Japanese is also available.



This is an earthquake simulator. When you feel tremor, hide yourself beneath the table to protect your head.

This is smoke simulator. Try to find out the evacuation route to the exist in the dark rooms which are full of smokes.

This is the guide book for Minato Disaster Prevention Center, which are available at the International Education Center of Nagoya University.